Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Keria Gula Hangit

Hai. It has been such a long time since my last entry kan?

Anyway, today I'm going to tell about 'Keria Gula Hangit'.

Alright, so the story begins when my family and I went to AEON Big Supermarket and saw that ubi keledek Am I sure it was ubi keledek? Or was it ubi lain? was sold at a promotion price. So mom bought some saying that it will be used for making kuih keria. Me, being a food enthusiast, suggested that,

"Let's try keria gula melaka".

Long story short, the next day, which was earlier today, I made that kuih. I googled for the recipe and found that Cik Epal's version looks pretty easy. I decided to go with her recipe. Well, I think I passed the part where we have to make the body or the keria itself. Oh apa lah susah sangat setakat uli ubi dengan tepung ja kan?

The disaster starts when I'm about to make the gula saduran. I followed the instructions carefully but I don't know, something went wrong somewhere. Emm well first, you can smell that it's a bit hangit. Second, when I put the keria into the gula saduran, emm it was too sticky. Third, the gula saduran was too black that my keria looks like donut celup coklat. Fourth, PAHIT LAH OF COURSE.

Poor thing my family has to bear with it for today's tea time. Luckily mom came to the rescue by saying that,

"Celup dengan gula icing lah bagi hilang rasa pahit tu"

Hmm I am so devastated with my cooking skills T.T. Before this I tried to make Korean Spicy Fried Chicken but it turns out to taste like Ayam Goreng Madu. Luckily it was still edible, except that probably a few of them might be undercooked. Well, mine was. I don't know about others but they don't complained anything. Tak pandai nak agak ayam tu dah cukup masak ke tak because it was already brown on the outside so how could I know what's happening inside, could I?

So yeah, I'm such a failure when it comes to cooking. Entah-entah potong sayur pun tak betul? Tapi ada hati nak bukak kedai makan sendiri? Well, um I guess I have to postpone that bucketlist first. And I should probably not to think about marriage(?) until I'm able to cook a decent meal. Nanti kena kecam tak pandai masak lol.

So yeah, that's the story. I was too devastated with it that I didn't took any picture of Keria Gula Hangit. I bet you don't want to see it. Terbantut selera nanti. Don't worry, dah habis licin dah pun keria tu. Of course it was me who ate them all. Siapa lagi yang sanggup makan kan?

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Appreciation Post: Mainboard Andeka 2016

Rasanya ni entry terakhir untuk cerita 2016 kot. Hopefully takdak mana-mana cerita yang tertinggallah. Here it goes;

During AGD 2015, Alhamdulillah I was chosen to be one of the mainboard for the session of 2016. My other comrades were Nana, Hamka, Ain, Sheera and Ayu. 

The six of us

Governing the club is surely not an easy task. There have been days when I would lay on my bed, crying (walaupun tak seteruk menangis masa tengok kdrama) because of the pressure. Ha tu laa, gatai sangat nak jadi kan?

Throughout half of the tenure, I was on the verge of giving up sebab masa ni memang peak period semua masalah mai menimbun. But I was fortunate enough because the whole mainboard was there to help me through. So this entry was meant to be dedicated for them. Here it goes.


One word that best describe this person:

Best thing working with this person?
He's very professional when it comes to work.

A positive trait that you see in this person?

A kdrama character that you see in this person
Park Hoon (Doctor Stranger)

Wishes/Comment to this person
Thank you boss! You've done well!

Ain Ayunni

One word that best describe this person:

Best thing working with this person?
She has her own reasons behind her decisions. Orang hormat dia.

A positive trait that you see in this person?
Strong woman

A kdrama character that you see in this person
Princess Sook Myung (Hwarang)

Wishes/Comment to this person
Semoga dapat menjalankan tugas sebagai Presiden dengan baik. I know you can do it!


One word that best describe this person:

Best thing working with this person?
She never forget to remind us that in what ever decisions that we have made, it's all up to Allah's will.

A positive trait that you see in this person?
Helps people whenever she can

A kdrama character that you see in this person
Yoo Hye Jung (Doctors)

Wishes/Comment to this person
All the best in your career!


One word that best describe this person:

Best thing working with this person?
Baikkkkkkk sangat.

A positive trait that you see in this person?
She takes her work seriously

A kdrama character that you see in this person
Jung Nan Hee (Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo)

Wishes/Comment to this person
All the best intern tu!

Najwa Najihah

One word that best describe this person:

Best thing working with this person?
She's my partner in crime, my life saviour.

A positive trait that you see in this person?

A kdrama character that you see in this person
Kim In Rang (Bring it on, Ghost!)

Wishes/Comment to this person
Nanaaaaaaaa thanks for everything tau! Nomu saranghae 

Farah Aida

One word that best describe this person:

Best thing working with this person?
Kena bagi dia makan selalu hmm

A positive trait that you see in this person?
Entahlah. Kuat buat perangai dia ni ish

A kdrama character that you see in this person
Kim Bok Joo (Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo)
Erm, well except for the part where Bok Joo gets a boyfriend

Wishes/Comment to this person
Hai awak. Semoga dapat tunaikan semua bucketlist anda!

Of course, we did bickered, like a lot? After what we've been through for almost half of the tenure, we decided to have our curahan hati session, whereby we let out everything that we're not satisfied with each other. And I personally thought that after the session, we've become closer and stronger than before.

So here's my advice: Kalau tak puas hati dengan seseorang, bagitau dia okay. It's better than holding it in.

After all, it's a win-win situation: Orang tu dapat betulkan kesalahan dia, kita pulak dapat luahkan apa yang terpendam. But, mind your manners okay? Jangan guna bahasa kasar sangat, kang kecik hati orang tu. Settle elok-elok :)

We even used the same theme for our Whatsapps profile pictures after the session for quite some time. Sweet kan?

Disebabkan rindu kat semua orang, I present to you;

A collection of


The first event that ALL six of us joined;

During AGD 2016

With my partner in crime; Nana

Thursday, 27 July 2017

First show in my last semester :')

11 March 2017 marked my first show in my last semester here. Sebab dah last sem kan, kalau boleh semua show nak join hahahah.

Show wedding kali ni bertempat di Kajang. Selalunya aku join show wedding waktu siang, tapi kali ni lain sikit. Wedding dia buat waktu malam. Kiranya ni first time aku join show wedding malam.






Untuk show kali ni, aku partner dengan Milin untuk position gereteh. Tak banyak pun lagu yang kena main, ada dalam 10 lagu ja. Kalau join show wedding dulu-dulu, kena main dalam 15-20 lagu. Yang paling best, disebabkan klien request lagu Cintaku 100%, jadi aku pun dapatlah belajar lagu tu sebagai gereteh. Sebelum ni main toys untuk lagu tu.

Since ni wedding malam, pagi hari kejadian tu dapatlah kami berehat-rehat dulu. Malam sebelum tu boleh tengok kdrama puas-puas tanpa risau overslept. Dalam pukul 2 petang macam tu, barulah kena berkumpul kat istana. Dalam pukul 4 petang, kereta sewa semua dah ada, dan kami pun bertolak ke Kajang lepas dah siap masukkan barang dalam kereta.

Sampai ja kat sana, terus kena buat soundcheck. Soundcheck ni penting sebab kita guna PA system, so orang PA system tu nak kena check microphone semua berfungsi ke tak, lepastu bunyi ok ke tak, kuat sangat ke slow ke, etc.

Lepas dah siap soundcheck, tuan rumah bagi kami makan dulu. Disebabkan dah nak Maghrib, aku pun gigihlah makan cepat-cepat sebab aku ni makan slow. Lepastu, kami pun bersiap-siap tukar baju, mekap, solat Maghrib.

Show time!

Alhamdulillah all went well. Aku pun dah boleh control tahap nervous sebab dah banyak kali jadi gereteh kan. Habis ja perform, terus aku dengan yang lain pi makan buat kali kedua. Oh well, that's the best part of wedding shows; free food eheheh.

Lepas tetamu semua dah banyak beransur pulang, kami pun kemaslah barang-barang nak balik.

After-show pictures

Tapi yang paling takleh lupa, boleh pulak aku selsema teruk 3-4 jam sebelum show eh. Padahal sebelum tu sihat walafiat ja. Hmm aku syak ni mesti sebab berjangkit dengan Husni hmm.

Seksa wehhhh sambil nak perform sambil nak lap hingus dengan tisu. Disebabkan aku tak prepare nak selsema ni, aku pun tak bawaklah apa-apa stok tisu. Gigihlah aku ambik serviette kat meja makanan kat luar dewan banyak-banyak.

Compulsory pictures with the bride and groom

Anyway, terima kasih tuan rumah sebab sudi menjemput kami untuk memeriahkan majlis :)

AGD Andeka 2016

Before 2017 comes to an end, ada baiknya aku start habiskan cerita-cerita zaman 2016. Tiap-tiap tahun aku tak pernah miss tulis pasal AGD Andeka. Kalau nak baca yang sebelum ni punya, boleh klik link kat bawah;

Anyway, here goes last year's story.

AGD tahun ni punya tema ialah

*drum rolls*


Macam biasalah, registration starts around 8pm, lepas maghrib macam tu. Aku kelam kabut sikit petang tu sebabnya aku dengan Nana responsible untuk siapkan token untuk players yang terlibat dalam show sepanjang 2016.

Batch 13 yang bertugas di kaunter pendaftaran.

Simple ja pendaftaran ni, pi kat meja tu lepastu sign nama kat namelist tu. Siapa yang hadir masa pre-AGM dulu akan dapat hak untuk vote mainboard sesi 2017. Kiranya kalau dia tak mai pre-AGM dulu, dia takleh vote. Sebabnya masa pre-AGM dulu, kita dapat dengar hujah kenapa calon tu dipilih untuk bertanding, yang mana dapat membantu kita nak buat penilaian kat calon tu.

Lepas setel registration, duduklah kat meja mana-mana yang kosong sementara nak tunggu event start.

Penyambut-penyambut tetamu Batch 13.

Antara tetamu yang datang:

Tetamu VIP:
Presiden kelab-kelab lain
Cikgu Ku

While everyone is enjoying their meal, kami mainboard 2016 pulak gigih kira undi kat luar. Aku baru sempat suap 2 kali tetiba dah kena panggil;

"Farah, jom pi luar. Kita kena kira undi"

Dalam terpaksa, kurelakan jua kahkahkah. Aku pun pesan kat orang tepi aku kat meja tu;

"Tolong tengokkan makanan tu tau. Japgi nak datang balik"

Punyalah takut jadi apa-apa kat makanan tu lol. Lama jugaklah nak kira undi tu. By the time kami habis kira pastu masuk balik dalam seminar room tu, Batch 13 dah tengah ready nak buat persembahan.

Persembahan Batch 13. Depa bawak dua lagu: Requim for a Dream dengan lagi satu lagu tak tau tajuk. Masa ni gigihlah aku sambil makan sambil nak tengok performance depa.

Habis performance Batch 13, ada slot penyampaian token untuk players yang join show sepanjang tahun 2016.

Salah sorang penerima token tu akulah hehehehehe. Hasil dari token ni walaupun tak banyak, dapatlah aku guna nak tampung belanja sikit-sikit masa pi trip Krabi. Masa ambik token ni pun aku still tak habis makan lagi tau lol.

Lepas dah habis slot penyampaian token ni, ada sesi pembubaran mainboard lama dan pelantikan mainboard baru.

Semua mainboard lama dipanggil untuk duduk kat depan. Aduh malu lah part nak kena mengadap semua orang ni. Lepastu Hamka sebagai Presiden dijemput untuk bagi kata-kata terakhir. It was a teary moment.

Everyone gave him a round of applause after he finished his speech. Lepastu, mainboard sesi baru diumumkan.

Congrats mainboard sesi 2017! Semoga kalian dapat menjalankan tugas dengan baik :)

Selesai sesi pembubaran dan pelantikan ni, secara rasminya AGD Andeka 2016 dah pun habis. Tapi, haaa we always have after-party celebration hehehe. Let the fun begin!

Since ramai yang request Cintaku 100%, here you go, once again! Semangat tau senior-senior ni nak perform hahah. Lepas perform lagu Cintaku 100%, proceed pulak dengan lagu Kurik Kundi, everyone's fav!

Of course lah aku pilih untuk main alat feveret aku; the toys!

Look at how they enjoyed our after-party performances.

Lepas perform a few other songs, the party finally came to an end. Committee pun dah nak start kemas seminar room. Oh but before that, it's time for the compulsory activity;


Batch 11 yang dah makin pupus. Makin lama, makin sikit muka-muka Batch 11 yang nampak kat istana tu. This might be the last AGD for us, since ramai yang dah nak grad dah. Among my favourite people on earth which :')

Mainboard 2016. I'll miss you guys :')

We also have photobooth by Triobox.

Hasil tangkapan kat photobooth:
One with the girls

One with The Popiah Girls

With the mainboards

With masuk-ja-depa-panggil-join

Last but not least, one with my Nana! Kemaruk betul kami dua orang dengan belon. Gigih pi kutip semata-mata nak tangkap gambar dengan belon hahah.

Gigih nak suruh belon-belon tu terbang nak bagi gambar nampak cantik tapi tak menjadi lol

Ya, saya masih lagi bersemangat dengan belon-belon saya


I Miss My Bloggggggg

Annyeong yeorobunnnn~~~~ Wahhhh it's been a loooongggggggg time I haven't been here T.T I know I did promised myself to wri...