2016 IN A WRAP
(1) Appointed as one of Andeka's mainboard
It was one of the biggest amanah given to me this year. Maybe ada lah kot yang kata
"Alah setakat jadi FC ja pun. Budak Econs kan memang terer bab kira-kira duit ni"
It was more than just kutip-duit-kira duit-thing. Anyway, glad that it was over now haha.
(2) Went for a trip to Penang with Gamelan Gema Gangsa
I was invited by Zati to join their 3 days trip. It was fun, getting to know more people and making new friends. We had lots of laugh, and we do eat a lot too haha.
Thanks for the invitation!
Oh and here are the links for the posts about this trip;
(3) Citra Open Day - The Last Concert
Here's a pic taken before the concert begun. One thing for sure, back then, I didn't realized that this concert will be my last. This semester will be my last semester in IIUM but I'm not performing this time :')
By the way, I did wrote a post on COD before this.
(4) Andeka Busking
We went for a busking session at KL Tower earlier this year. It was a bit tiring with all those training beforehand, but it was super-fun on d-day itself. Plus, it was my first time visiting KL Tower since I came to study here in 2012.
Managed to write a blogpost on this too
(5) Recitals
Here's me with my anak-anak asuhan yang nakal tapi comel(?)
Recitals were held twice in 2016, one in each semester. I did not performed during the first, instead, I was the person-in-charge for Andeka's performers.
Oh and I did blogged about it a little. Here it is
And this one is the latest recital, where I did performed alongside with other senior members of Andeka :')
I've promised the senior team that I'll write a post about this, but emm biasalah pemalas sikit kan hahaha nanti-nantilah.
(6) Konsert 3 Lagenda - Bagaikan Mimpi
Up until today, I still felt like it was a dream. Having the chance to perform on the same stage with Orkestra Tradisional Malaysia and these 3 legends; M,Nasir, Ramli Sarip and Jamal Abdillah, surely it was beyond imagination.
Yelah mana taknya, dahlah basic knowledge pasal muzik pun suam-suam kuku ja, alih-alih dapat offer nak perform kat konsert ni. Habis ja konsert tu, balik bilik takleh tidoq sebab still tak percaya haha.
Anyway, it was one of the best moment in my life and I really hope that someday, my family will be able to watch me performing on stage, tak kisahlah konsert kecik ka besaq ka or even busking.
(7) Show IMWS - Rezeki
Ha ni pun best jugak sebab dia macam rezeki lepas kecewa sebab something.
Betullah orang kata;
"Allah takkan tarik sesuatu melainkan untuk menggantikannya dengan sesuatu yang lebih baik"
"Kehilangan itu bukan melemahkan, tetapi menjadikan kita lebih baik"
Show IMWS in a wrap;
-performing in front of Permaisuri Agung
-first time performing as a gereteh (dah lama tunggu nak dapat peluang ni)
Made two blogposts about this show;
(8) 3-months of internship at Dutch Lady Milk Industries
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Gambar ihsan google sebab tak teringat pun nak ambik gambaq lembu ni |
I was offered a placement for internship at Dutch Lady a week before my semester ended. Masa tu memang seronok betoi sebab lagi sikit nak give up cari tempat intern.
Lots that I've learnt during my three months here. Made new friends, and it was a bit sad on my last day here, but I've managed to hold back tears haha.
I've promised someone that I'll write something about my internship journey here.
So, wait for it.
(9) Sports activities
I've participated in two major tournaments, one minor tournament and a few runs in 2016.
Represented KENMS in handball for KUSEF '16. We've managed to bring back bronze medal for our kulliyyah.
A few weeks later I represented my department, BECS in Econs Sportsfest. Played two sports; handball and tug-of-war. This is a picture of my teammates and I just right after we finished playing tug-of-war. Managed to get bronze for both sports.
Represented Mahallah Hafsah for ISC '16 in two sports, athletics and hockey. I didn't made it to the podium for athletics. Quite sad though. But I was more than happy when we've won silver in hockey.
I'm planning on writing something about ISC. So hmm tunggulah lagi 2-3 bulan ka ahaha.
2016 also marked my first ever experience in rock climbing. Of course lah it was fun, but penat gila oi hahaha. Balik dari rock climbing tu terus sakit-sakit badan hahaha. Thanks to Nana sebab ajak join. Kalau tak, sampai bila-bila lah takkan pernah merasa apa tu rock climbing.
And here are some runs that I've paticipated this year. Tak banyak mana pun.
Ever Run 2016
Organized by: Convest '16
Groovy Run
Organized by: Aikol
Road to Green
Organized by: Engitex
(10) Shows
Show wedding Abg Amad
Show wedding Ampang(?)
Show for IIUM Educare Convocation Ceremony
Paciak for 32nd IIUM Convocation
Wedding show in July
(11) I'm feeling 22~~~
Came back from an exhausting day on 17th November just to find out these sweet little surprises that my friends had made for me. Couldn't even thanked them enough.
Terharu beb :')
And I can say that Abang Harith's homecoming to Andeka was one of the best birthday gifts that I've ever received.
(12) End of Niche Gamelan course
I'm taking a two-years niche gamelan course since my second year in IIUM. After four kind-of-exhausting semesters, this course has came to the end.
Seronok laa sikit sebab dah tak payah kelam-kabut pi training room tapi sedih laa jugak since we've been together for four semesters.
Bye gais. It's my pleasure to meet all of you.
In short, 2016 is a year full of colours. I pray that I'll be more successful in 2017.
And I pray the same too for those who are reading this :)
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